Singing the Wild
The Soma Shala, Ashburton, Devon
May - October 2024
New dates coming soon.
Register your interest by joining the waiting list here.
A deep journey into the mysterious territory of the voice, the heart and the soul. Over 6 months we will travel together in a small group of women, witnessing and being seen, uncovering, unravelling hidden parts and inner realms through the alchemising tool of the voice.
May 5th: 10am - 5pm
May 15th: 10:30am - 2:30pm
June 5th: 10:30am - 2:30pm
July 10th: 10:30am - 2:30pm
Sept 11th: 10:30am - 2:30pm
Non-residential weekend
October 5th: 11am - 9pm
October 6th: 11am - 5pm
Payment plans are available:
3 payments of £259, or 7 monthly payments of £111
The Soma Shala, Ashburton, Devon
1 day, 1 weekend, and 4 short day workshops in group soul work/voice activation/improvisation/expression
6 individual sessions with me in person or zoom (1 per month)
1 weekly self-led 2 hr practice session at home
Embodied voice exploration to increase connection and confidence in personal expression.
Learning and practising tools and forms to bring your deepest selves to life in song.
Witnessing and sharing in a supportive group of women. Small group size, with no more that 8 participants.
Exploring and making friends with the inner critic, and other parts that can hold you back and need some holding.
Ritual / ceremony / reclamation of your place as a manifestation of the creative energy that flows through all things.
Mystery, magic and fun !
How will I benefit?
A safe, healing crucible where you can shed skins and grow new versions of yourself and from which you will emerge expanded and renewed, more connected to your essence and how to transmute that essence into your creative expression.
A transformative journey of the heart, as well as your voice and creative expression.
More details
We will remember our co-creative nature as women in circle, seeing ourselves reflected in each other and honouring our individuality. Always beginning with our connection to the wider web of life and our place within the family of all things. And from this place of connection, journeying into your heart and into the heart of what it is to be human.
Embracing our animal nature, embracing play and learning how to say yes to ourselves in all our broken and beautifully big places. Grounding into rhythm together and finding your own inner music - sharing that with the group.
Group meetings will alternate with an individual session each month - a safe, loving container for you to come into a deep relationship with your voice and explore ways of accessing the full potential of your expression. Often, the voice is the starting point for a deeper exploration of yourself and will result in more freedom, joy and ease in all areas of your life.